The body I was left with after triplets

Four months after giving birth to spontaneous triplets and this is the body I am left with. To a lot of people, I’ve been told I should “consider myself lucky,” but to me, it’s unrecognizable. ⁣


It’s wrinkly. It’s flabby. It’s pudgy when sitting and still loose when standing. It jiggles when I move and even when I don’t. The ass I never really had before pregnancy somehow defied science by retracting into my body, and my boobs sound like two mating seals when I run without a bra on. I have to lift up a flap of skin in order to see where I’m shaving and I have no idea what the hell happened to my belly button, but it’s crying out for help. ⁣

It also carried THREE, healthy babies to 34.4 weeks. It endured a fast, extra 70lbs for almost a year and grew those babies to healthy birth weights. It housed 3 placentas on top of 3 human beings. It continued life as normal, despite the circumstances, and did so like a god damn champ.⁣

My body has forever changed, but I’ll embrace it with pride as it marks this next chapter in my life as a mom.⁣

Professional web developer & designer with a passion for crafting, DIY, and all things Pinterest.