Our nursery reveal, over a year later
One of the (many) reasons why I didn’t want to start a family until we were settled in our new house was due to the fact I knew our emotional and financial resources would be focused strictly on a baby.
I’ve always had my “Pinterest perfect” nursery, along with other interior designs, planned and ready to execute as soon as our money wasn’t tied up with those unexpected costs while building. So the plan was to get through the build, move in, and get the interior finished and furnished before moving on to the next big life event: a baby.
Well that obviously didn’t go according to plan. In fact, it went about as far off course as one’s plan could actually stray and instead we ended up with 3 babies in a 500’sqft house for 5 months while trying to finish the forever home. Oopsie.
That being said, I spent many of their 3 hour naps quietly painting the accent wall to what became their nursery and another year or so finding the finishing touches to furnish it.
It’s finally time to reveal what we’ve done, which also marks our first (of many) “home tour” posts where I’ll be documenting the interior design progress we make in each room as we finish them.
I’ll link anything still available for purchase under each photo. If you click on any of the links (or purchase anything), I’ll earn a little commission that goes right back to supporting our family, so thank you! <3
We’ll start with our cribs, which have been amazing. They’re convertible for those who wish to have a toddler bed option, lightweight, and have surprisingly held up to the rocking abuse the boys cause to them on a daily basis. Our mattresses are the basic Graco ones from Amazon and the muslin crib sheets are from Mushie. We originally had muslin sheets from Pottery Barn, but after 6 months they started showing signs of wear and by 8 months they had holes! They replaced them for me, but it happened again, and for $30+ crib sheets I was done dealing with that. I’m not sure if the muslin material is subject to easy wear and tear, but we’ll see how our Mushie ones hold up over the next few months. We also keep 1 mattress protector on each mattress that we made sure had no extra padding, memory foam, or anything else that could cause too much indentation and be considered unsafe for sleep.
Speaking of which, I found it extremely important to showcase our cribs exactly how they are every day - safe for sleep. No beautiful blankets draped over the railings or boho style pillows in the cribs (even if we removed them before sleep) because we honestly need more “Insta-worthy” photos promoting safe sleep to circulate the internet. The more people see nurseries with empty cribs, the more it will trend and keep babies safe.
I know the accent wall is a huge point of discussion and I’m happy to say we have a time lapse video and a small tutorial coming your way to cover more details. For now, the wall color is called “Mountain Pine” by Behr.
Our light fixture is from World Market and was the perfect addition to the space. I had initially wanted a similar fixture from IKEA, but with things never in stock, I was tired of waiting months for it to come back and ended up stumbling upon this one during a search. Keep in mind that it did need that additional black hanging electrical socket (that we ended up having an electrician install while we was here for something else) - it needs to be fixed to that in order to hang properly. We were able to pick one up at Lowes.
Our area rug, which I searched the ends of the Earth for, is from Hunter and Nomad and is just darling. It came all the way from Australia (for reasonable shipping) and honestly wasn’t too expensive as far as area rugs go. We got the 200x300cm variation to fit the space.
Our dresser is the popular HEMNES ones from IKEA with the knobs switched out for leather pulls I found on Etsy. I loved this dresser because it was solid wood and the perfect changing table height - it’s used multiple times daily and holds all of our cloth diapers and clothes.
Our shelves are basic white ones I found on clearance at IKEA with leather strap shelf brackets also found on Etsy. On the shelves is a plan from IKEA, the Ring Indoor Camera that acts as our baby monitor, an acorn wicker basket from Pottery Barn, a letter board, the Hatch white noise machine, a little container from Target Bullseye, and various pinecones collected from the yard
The poster above the changing table I designed and had printed at Staples with the frame from Micheals. Our trash bucket is from Target and the diaper pail is from Dekor on Amazon - they’ve held up great to cloth diapers (we have two).
The changing pad is just a basic one from Amazon, but finding a plain rust colored cover was another story! I had to get it made from Etsy, but I’m amazed how hard it is to find solid colored changing pad covers.
Our little reading nook corner, which will become Marin’s reading corner once the boys move into their own room, was the most recent addition to this room. I spent a lot of time looking at the perfect rattan with white cushion chair for this space and found it at IKEA, but once again, it’s been out of stock for months and I was tired of waiting. I found a few other similar chairs online, but they were much more expensive than the IKEA chair and I’d still have to purchase white cushions for them. Thankfully, Target’s Pillowfort line just recently updated and added this beautiful kid’s egg chair to their collection, which only about $30 more than the other ones I found and way cuter.
I’m like 99% sure I got the laundry basket at Target, but having a hard time finding it in my orders and on their site. There are a few similar options here and here though. The smaller book basket was from IKEA, but Target also sells very similar ones here. Our wall hooks for our Kyte Baby sleep sacks are also from Target!
So there you have it! A safe sleep, triplet nursery and the first room in our new house officially marked as complete. I hope you enjoyed it!

Professional web developer & designer with a passion for crafting, DIY, and all things Pinterest.