A running list of favorite winter time gear for our triplets

With winter here in MA, getting outside with three toddlers presents new challenges in the form of clothing, gear, and our sanity.
Since posting pictures and videos of them being outside, we’ve been getting a ton of questions about their gear and what has been working for us, so I thought this would be a good space to keep a running list! I’ll provide links and some write ups on anything we’ve had success with and love, and I’ll continue to update it if we discover more.
Per usual, I spent a lot of time researching a functional, yet stylish toddler snowsuit and landed on these gorgeous ones from Wheat Clothing. I unfortunately jumped on the bandwagon a little too late, as the brown color I really wanted (as well as most other colors) had been sold out for weeks. I spent a few solid days scouring random websites until finding these navy blue ones on an online shop in the UK. To my surprise, they took less a week to arrive and were even on sale.
These snowsuits are everything I could ask for in a quality snowsuit. Wheat thought of every situation, including adding in elastic straps that can hang the unzipped snowsuit off of your toddler’s shoulders in case they get a little too hot or want to eat. They’re completely water proof, have extra layers and fleece material inside, and my favorite is the rubber strap on the feet to keep those pant legs down over boots!
We decided to size up on ours in the hopes we can get next winter out of them too for the price. They’re big, but still functional for them (even if Wilder doesn’t think so).
Can we talk about how friggin’ adorable baby duck boots are? When I see all 6 of these lined up in the closet I get giddy. I wasn’t quite sure if duck boots from Amazon would hold up, but we’ve been out with them multiple times and even took part in some puddle jumping with them on and they’ve done the job. I wouldn’t trust them to be completely waterproof if submerged passed the rubber part, but they’re definitely warm, especially when paired with our wool socks.
The smallest size is an 8, but my triplets are sizes 4 & 5. The Q&A and reviews said to get an 8, so that’s what we did and they worked out perfect. They have plenty of room to grow, but aren’t falling off of them like shoes usually do when they’re too big. The larger size also allows room for wool socks and layers.
Anyone doing any kind of cold weather activity will tell you you need to layer up with wool, especially for your feet. Aesthetics took a back seat for these, since you can’t see them anyway, so I went straight to Amazon for affordability. I ended up with these, linked in the ad below, and they’ve done a great job keeping their feet warm in the duck boots. We happen to love the colors too!
While we’re still on the hunt for mittens or gloves that are water proof for the snow, we’ve been using these super cute ones from Zara for the time being.
Our hats are from an Etsy shop called LiliasDesign and can honestly speak for themselves. Absoluetely gorgeous!
On days when there’s no snow and it’s not quite cold enough for big snowsuits, I’ve actually been using sleep suits from a company called Nest Designs haha! We have the 2.5TOG ones, so they’re like a quilted material that I just zip over their clothes. They’re super easy!

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