And just like that, we're finally home

With the help from our amazing family and friends, we were able to celebrate the first day of our life this weekend. The past six and a half years were just temporary as we spent them saving, planning, and dreaming for what we are now living.


The house is still a work in progress - the porch, baseboards, some painting, and other minor cosmetic details. We took our crappy, mismatched furniture from our 500sqft house and we’re making it work here temporarily while we go room by room, buying the new furniture we need/want when we can. The current goal is completing the master bedroom and nursery and they’re almost done! ⁣

As if caring for 3 babies wasn’t enough, I’m actually really excited to have a project to plan and work on for the next however many months, possibly years it will take to feel done. I thrive on to-do lists and a sense of completion, and it motivates me to my core. ⁣

I’m so excited to document these next parts of our life - designing our forever home, expanding our homestead, and raising our triplets wild on the 6 acres of land that will shape them, teach them, and grow with them. ⁣

Our Wildernest ❤️🌲⁣

Professional web developer & designer with a passion for crafting, DIY, and all things Pinterest.