If this is what teething is, I don’t want any part of it

If this is what teething is, I don’t want any part of it 😭⁣


My sweet boy, Forrest, has turned into a completely different baby ever since turning 6 months old. We aren’t in a “leap,” but creeping up on that “gray period” that people in my due date groups are currently saying is worse. He’s been so unusually fussy, skipping any sort of whining in favor of full on meltdowns instead. He especially hates 5PM, and like a light switch goes into tantrum mode during the most demanding part of the day (solids, bath, bottle, bed). He went from non-stop giggling and smiley to a complete bear, and it breaks my heart! ⁣

The triplets had their 6 month checkup last week and his gums are the most swollen of the 3. He was our first baby to run a fever, which happened last week, and our pedi isn’t sure if it was in relation to his teeth or the colds we all just got over. ⁣

Whether it’s teething or just a leap in his development, it sucks and I want my sweet boy back! ⁣

Professional web developer & designer with a passion for crafting, DIY, and all things Pinterest.