The end of my maternity leave and my new title of "working mom"

What do you mean you’re going back to work, mom? 🤨


⁣Monday marked the first day in FIVE MONTHS that I was back in the office at work. I am so very thankful for my company, who allowed me almost half a year to bond and settle in with my newborn triplets while still paying me 100% of my salary. ⁣

Our maternity leave wasn’t always this way - the year before I got pregnant, I joined a team of other women in the office to create a new parental leave plan that we presented to the executives and instated at the beginning of 2019. I knew children were on the horizon for Jay and I, and believe all new parents deserve time off with their new babies, so it was an important mission for me.⁣

So what do I do? I’ve been a Visual Web/UX Designer & Developer for a major news/media company for what will be 5 years in August. I have a Bachelors of Science in Graphic Design (with a focus in web development) and absolutely love everything that I do. I get to be creative, innovative, and make a difference in the routines of real people who rely on our services every day. It’s a full-filling job with a sense of purpose, and I’m so proud to be here.⁣

Since the day we knew we were having triplets, I had many people assume I would become a stay at home mom. How could I leave THREE babies to be raised by someone else? Why this is the first thought that comes to people’s minds I’ll never know, but you can best believe going to work doesn’t automatically make me any less of a parent. If anything, it makes me a better mom for them. A mom that has her creative and energetic needs met so she can come home, tackle the routine of caring for triplets, and relish in every precious moment she’ll have with them. ⁣

And also because we can’t afford them without my paycheck anyway

Professional web developer & designer with a passion for crafting, DIY, and all things Pinterest.