We found our favorite bibs

Since starting solids, I have struggled to find a good bib that didn’t add to my already massive amount of laundry. ⁣


I had put a couple of the rubber bibs with catch pockets on my registry, and received a few different brands. Unfortunately, they stained and were so rough feeling that they often made the babies uncomfortable or annoyed. They also only came in bright, primary colors and we all know how I feel about those 😂⁣

Then one of my favorite baby brands, Mushie Co, released a silicone bib that not only was made from the SOFTEST silicone I have ever felt, but they offered MATCHING colors to our @bibs_usa pacis and other beautiful patterns. ⁣


They’re comfortable, easy to put on with a million ways to size, have withstood the staining power of pumpkin and carrots (RIP to my other bibs), catch all the food that doesn’t make their mouth, and the best part is that they’re easy to clean! I simply run them under water and usually don’t even have to scrub them. ⁣

Now I just need one in every color.

For 20% off your order, use my referral code here!

Also, I had put Wilder in front so he could model those #cheekstho 😍⁣


Professional web developer & designer with a passion for crafting, DIY, and all things Pinterest.