Site Work

We successfully broke the law and couldn't be happier

July 10th has been my only concern this past month as we awaited our variance hearing. Every time I saw it on the calendar, or heard it in passing, it would trigger my anxiety and give me hot flashes. July 10th was the date of variance hearing, which I talked about it my last post.

We successfully broke the law and couldn't be happier

It took 12 weeks after Eversource told us "30 days," but they're in

You may remember my post, from back in November, about how we got our 4 private poles installed - then how they all got destroyed by a freak Nor’Easter about 7 days later. We have since repaired the poles, which only cost us $500 thanks to our pole guy being an incredible human being. None of the wires, despite like 4 massive trees on top of one of them, sustained any damage and the poles themselves just needed a bit of readjusting to get everything back to par. Finally, it was time for Eversource to get in and do their part. 

It took 12 weeks after Eversource told us "30 days," but they're in

Did you know telephone poles are made of gold?

Happy New Year! 2016 was a great year that started us on this journey and we're sad to see it go, but excited to see what 2017 will bring for our Wildernest. Currently, we're trying to get power to the property.

Did you know telephone poles are made of gold?