Trying to find our new normal while navigating the risks

Things are finally starting to open up a bit here in MA, at least outdoors, so we’ve been making the best of our weekend family time to get these quarantine babies out of the house and seeing the world (for basically the first time).
I’ve had a lot of anxiety lately about how this quarantine will effect their social abilities, since every time someone has come over - who they do not regularly see - they burst into hysterics. The triplets were born at the end of July and spent almost all of August in the NICU. While we took them for stroller walks around our old neighborhood and about twice to Target, they spent the entire winter at home while we adjusted to first-time-parents-to-three-newborns life and shielded them from seasonal flu. By the time spring rolled around and we were confident in our ability to take them out and about, coronavirus hit and our state has been shut down ever since.
I’m still a bit apprehensive to all of this, especially since the doctors and scientists are prepping us for a second wave once things start opening up. The need to get them out of the house and experience the world has outweighed those fears, however, and I hope every day we’re not making the wrong decision.
Yesterday we took them to the Cape Cod Canal in the town where my husband and I both grew up and attended school (about 40 minutes from home). We barely made it out of the parking lot before being stopped, but the babies did SO good experiencing the sights and sounds. They were especially enthralled watching the boats and bikes go zooming by.
Have restrictions in your area been lifted a little? Has life gone back to normal, or a “new normal” for you?

Professional web developer & designer with a passion for crafting, DIY, and all things Pinterest.