Wildernest | Builders, homesteaders, lovers of the wilderness, & adventurers.

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Giving back with #WildernestLibrary during the holidays

Tis the season for every mom group to be flooded with the “how much do you spend on each child” or “let’s see under your tree” posts. While they’re meant to be lighthearted, someone always ends up feeling inadequate or as if they aren’t enough. ⁣

This year, I’m choosing to “show off” something I did for our community instead. For the month of December, we turned #WildernestLibrary into a mini food pantry for anyone in the community who needs it. The community where we will raise our triplets, where they will attend school, and where we plan to spend the rest of our lives.⁣

For a mere $10, I was able to get the pantry started with some non-perishables and the people of our little town have been adding on. Whatever is left after Christmas will be taken to the school or library to be donated. ⁣

Our babies may be too young to understand still, but these are the simple acts - the traditions - I can’t wait to involve them in in the hopes they’ll always have some perspective. ⁣

So instead of the gifts, I ask about the gives. What are some of your traditions or random acts of kindness you and your family do this time of the year? ❤️ #handupsinsteadofstuff