We built a swing set for the babies
Amongst all the other projects Jay has to do around our unfinished home, this swing set was added to his list a few weeks ago because we knew the warmer weather would be approaching. Unfortunately, all the local parks have been closed down because of COVID-19 and we needed more things for the babies to do outside in the yard, so swings were the perfect idea.
I was able to use Mother’s Day as a quick pass to the swing set being built, and we spent last Sunday doing it together during nap time (and by together I mean I just held things). Grammy and Grampy purchased all the materials while Papa, Uncle, and Auntie Auntie (my aunt) each purchased a swing, which made this even better!
The swings are from a company called Swurfer, who I discovered from following a fellow triplet mom on Instagram that previously collaborated with them. Unlike the usual Fisher Pricey plastic “junk” (edited to add I mean no disrespect by this, I’m just not a fan of that hard plastic material), these swings are made with mildew resistant EVA foam, making them better quality and comfortable too. The straps are all sorts of adjustable and the swings are built to last until 3-4 years old - right around the time your kiddo will most likely be making the transition to a traditional swing. Longevity is a huge plus knowing we won’t have to rebuy 3 more baby swings before regular swings. Lastly, while their color selection isn’t great, they make up for it with an aesthetically pleasing design that won’t look hideous in your yard.
We’ll eventually be moving the swing set back into the clearing we made behind it, we just have to find someone who wants to level out the ground for us first. I love that it will forever be surrounded by woods to give the triplets some much needed shade in the heat.