Wildernest | Builders, homesteaders, lovers of the wilderness, & adventurers.

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A New Chapter: Wildernest

On June 2nd, 2016, Jay and I made one of the most important life and financial decisions we will ever make - our offer was accepted on 6 acres of Massachusetts wilderness to build our dream home on. 

The dream I have worked so hard to achieve. The dream I have been dreaming since I was a little girl. It's actually happening, and we close on our new land in 14 more days. 

With this land comes a new chapter to document here on the Wired Life blog, a chapter about the financial, emotional, and practical decisions that building a house entails. A chapter I want to share with you, just as I did my student loan journey. 

My student loan journey, personal finance, and personal projects will still be subjects on here on the blog, but will now be joined by a category I am calling "Wildernest" - what will be my beautiful house in the woods.